'De groothandel van de toekomst moet blijven inspelen op flexibilisering en vernieuwing'


The wholesale sector has been under intense pressure in recent years. Keeping stock is expensive and (price) information is readily available at low cost, driven by the digital world. Many are wondering how the function of the wholesaler will develop in this world of chain shortening and increasing digitalisation. A function that will at least be based on appealing assortment, good delivery conditions and perfect fulfilment of the logistics function. In addition, the winner of the future will be the one with the best capacity in processing and interpreting collected data.

The wholesaler will shift its physical stock function to a digital information function for its customers/suppliers and organise cooperation in the chain.

Kees 900X600 (L1)

Kees Lieve will be happy to help


+31 (0)6 531 563 43