Objective insight performance

Is there sufficient objective insight?

Is there an objective understanding of current and future performance and risks at your company?

Sometimes business objectives are not achieved and financial concerns may arise. Insufficient profits are made or there are ongoing losses. For example, caused by unforeseen changes in the market, operational problems, poor management information or simply bad luck or a combination of factors. Real insight is lacking.

An objectified analysis, including sensible measures and forward-looking plans, helps.

You want better insight into how the company is really and objectively performing and what needs to be done. In many situations, there is insufficient up-to-date and predictive insight due to the lack of the right ‘dashboard’, a good action plan and a good forecast based on continuous insight.

Our analysis of your business focuses on:

  • Market and market position, including innovation of products and processes. Competitive position and benchmark

  • Customer focus, vision and strategy

  • Organisation, direction, management and entrepreneurship, corporate culture. Executive

  • Management information professionalism

  • Substantiated and critically objective sales, margin and cost forecasts translated into clear and realistic operating, liquidity and balance sheet forecasts

  • Identifying opportunities that can then be used to work concretely and pragmatically on solutions and optimising the company's results

  • Conclusions and recommendations aimed at substantial decision-making.
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Erwin Sturkenboom will be happy to help you


+31 (0)6 230 254 88