Managing growth of business

How to keep rapid growth of your business manageable and profitable?

Your order book is growing fast and the outlook is extremely positive. The organisation is under considerable pressure to manage this growth. The risk of failure costs is increasing and your financing scope is limited. How do you solve this?

Growth is very positive in many cases However, it also leads to (new) issues, such as: greater strain on the organisation and processes, as a result of which quality cannot always be guaranteed. This leads to risk of inefficiency and possibly even margin loss How to get and keep the people in your company motivated And in some cases, it may also mean attracting additional / highly qualified management.

An increasing working capital requirement; how big is the effect of growth on your financial ratios, and is this growth entirely positive? And, how will this additional financing need be met?

Sometimes increased size puts you in a different competitive arena, competing with parties you did not previously know as competitors.

Kruger has the experience and expertise to advise and support you and your company on all issues surrounding (keeping) growth manageable, from identifying the risks and opportunities, to finding and engaging additional qualified management through Interim Management or Executive Search.

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Wouter van Tienhoven will be happy to help you

+31 (0)6 306 108 62