
A business valuation is part of a (sales) process but certainly has several other useful applications as well.

The valuation of a company actually involves identifying the future cash-generating capacity (the cash flows) of a company, and discounting these against the company's specific risk profile. Calculating an enterprise or equity value can be done in several ways. The challenge lies in the underlying assumptions. This requires in-depth knowledge of the company and industry. Including a realistic vision of the future.

Kruger Corporate Finance has in-house Registered Valuators with the required expertise and experience to carry out (complex) valuations. We do not talk down to you, but provide a realistic, market-based valuation.

A valuation can also provide business insights that support strategy determination. A valuation, combined with sector knowledge, provides insight into the factors that determine the value of a company, enabling informed decisions to be made and the right focus for value optimisation.

Central to the implementation of the Homologation Private Agreement Act (WHOA) is the determination of reorganisation and liquidation value. Kruger has an expert opinion par excellence on the future prospects and value after reorganisation, as well as on the value of a company in case of insolvency.