Selling and buying

The decision to sell a business is profound
It starts by asking whether this is the right time. Not only ‘externally’ but also for you and the company itself. Because we operate as a business partner, we therefore do not hesitate to advise you to (still) wait until the time is right and/or which steps can be taken first to optimise the proposition. For instance, with regard to the balance sheet, the result or the management. When the sales process is initiated, our corporate finance advisers will guide you carefully, professionally and committedly.

In the context of business succession
And if the sale takes place in the context of business succession, this is at least as important. The family business is often inescapably confronted with succession issues during its existence (see also our Crucial Business Developments page (LINK)). Objectification and support in the process towards real responsibility for child(ren) is needed, in everyone's interest.

A financial party
Besides a strategic party, it can also be interesting and of added value to consider a financial party. In addition to capital, a financial partner brings specific expertise that the company often lacks independently to take the next important step in, for instance, professionalisation or growth. In addition, financial parties like to keep the entrepreneur / current management on board - after all, they know the company and the business like no other. Management often retains a (minority) shareholding with the aim of achieving a nice return on success together.

When approaching a financial party, we at Kruger Corporate Finance consider it important to give you insight into possible deal structures in advance, partly from an investor's perspective. Not just financially - but also in terms of agreements around mutual relationships. Just as we believe it is important that the company should be able to (continue to) operate from a healthy financial basis after a transaction.

Together with you, Kruger Corporate Finance will draw up a clear acquisition strategy and we will implement it. From seeking and approaching acquisition targets to the purchase agreement. If applicable, we also assist in attracting acquisition financing.