Kruger Corporate Finance provides advice aimed at value preservation, optimisation or realisation on strategic issues and events. We are M&A professionals with Kruger's multidisciplinary experience, sector knowledge and expertise, focusing particularly on medium-sized companies.
Value maximisation comes from customisation, thorough preparation, identifying (transaction) options from a broader context and pragmatic and results-oriented execution. For us, transactions are always part of the strategy and/or wishes, and not an end in themselves.
A company with (potential) continuity issues will want to, or be forced to, sell (part of) its business in a timely manner. A so-called distressed M&A process requires a completely different approach, experience, expertise and network than a regular transaction process. The differences are significant due to different circumstances, parallel necessary actions, time pressure, pricing, emotions, risks and type of parties.
Valuation of a company actually involves identifying the future cash-generating capacity (cash flows) of a company, and discounting these against the company's specific risk profile. Calculating an enterprise or equity value can be done in several ways. The challenge lies in the underlying assumptions. This requires in-depth knowledge of the company and industry. Including a realistic vision of the future.
If an acquisition proposition fits within your focus, you may start spending (precious) time on it. In that case, prior to a letter of intent, or at the start or as part of a due diligence, Kruger Corporate Finance's ‘Pre-acquisition scan’ is extremely effective and (cost-)efficient. Our Pre-acquisition scan is based on our many years of involvement in (sales) acquisition processes, but especially in carrying out ‘business reviews’.
Vendor due diligence
In a ‘Vendor due diligence’, the vendor has its business thoroughly vetted before a sale. For Kruger, preparing for a sale means more than just due diligence. A sales process is a demanding and time-consuming process for all involved. Moreover, for selling shareholder(s) and management, it can also be an emotional process.
Debt/Equity advisering
Kruger Corporate Finance is a specialist in understanding the most optimal financing structure for your company in your specific situation. We assess whether the business case is attractive to a financial service provider or investor and then translate it into a financing proposition that can be used to search for a suitable party, or a combination of parties. Our network for this purpose is large and broad.
Strategische partnerships/Joint ventures
When companies want sustainable cooperation or an acquisition is going too far, a strategic partnership can be interesting. For example, in the form of a jointly incorporated company (joint venture). Besides everyone's (financial) contribution, the route to success is important. Think about how the agreements between the shareholders of the partnership/joint venture will be laid down. We can set up tailor-made partnerships in which the opportunities, risks, interests, contribution and possible exit of each participant in the partnership are carefully considered beforehand.
(Re)structuring shareholders' interests
In special situations (e.g. in the case of a conflict), there may be an emphatic need for an objective valuation of an equity interest to reach a resolution based on the outcome.