
You want the very best advice. To seize opportunities or avoid problems

Enterprise issues

Entrepreneurs, board or management face them expected or unexpected. Unusual issues that can lead to major consequences and/or opportunities. These may be all kinds of questions or challenges, for instance about management, organisation, succession, desired improvements in returns, continuity, sale or takeover, major investments, conflicts or (re)financing.

In those situations, we like to come into the picture. The very best advice is needed.

Kruger has unique experience in supporting companies with uncommon business issues and working with the company to achieve insight and targeted actions. With the company's interests at the forefront and the goal of creating value (again). The team consists of highly educated professionals who combine knowledge, long-standing experience, hands-on mentality and solution-orientation, and have an extensive network. Keywords are independence, quality, commitment, customer focus and integrity.

More about our expertise in value creation


There is no such thing as an organisation without people. Every person has their own opinion, which does not always have to match those of others. Views on policies to be pursued or opinions on performance may differ. Conflicting interests may lead to different points of view. Conflicts are unfortunately often the result. At shareholder and board level, they can lead to undesirable circumstances. External and objective support helps.


It is a fact that the continuity of many companies is threatened at times during their existence. Changed market conditions, departure of a major customer, new technologies, unexpected competition, just bad luck (fire, death), disappointing projects, overpriced investments, ‘skeletons in the closet’ after an acquisition, etc., it all happens. Fast, targeted and decisive action is then needed. Financiers, credit insurers, tax authorities, shareholders, creditors, trade unions suddenly demand a lot of attention. However, business must go on just then.


Circumstances may force to (temporarily) strengthen management. New markets, preparing the next generation, (temporary) downtime e.g. due to illness, departure of a board member or financial manager, a necessary turnaround. These are examples of such circumstances. Where to find a capable and suitable person?

Follow up

The family business, an extremely important and indispensable part of business, is inevitably faced with succession issues in its existence. Fortunately, the capabilities of the next generation are often ample. But unfortunately, this is not always obvious. Objectification and support in the process towards genuine responsibility of child(ren) is needed, in everyone's interest.


The world is changing very fast. The organisation, basis for operations, has to keep up. A future-oriented set-up is essential. Short lines, quick but considered decision-making, necessary information provision, customer orientation, positive culture, quality assurance, profit orientation, all very important. How do you really prepare the organisation and its people for the future?


In an organisation, overhead is necessary. Management, commerce, marketing, administration, human resources, facilities services, R&D, quality is just necessary. Unfortunately, overhead, especially in good times, tends to grow ‘naturally’. However, what is the most desirable situation? What is really needed for now and the future? Objectification helps to optimise overheads.


The entrepreneur, director, is often really only alone. There is a growing need for a sounding board, one or more experienced people who can and want to think along in seizing opportunities and avoiding risks. People who can advise objectively and want to achieve the best with the company. Structuring and fulfilling this role can be done in several ways. But where do you get these people from? Please see our Interim Management page.



When today's organisation no longer fits the new circumstances, adaptation is necessary. Turnover and margins have come under pressure, results are disappointing. Reorganisation is, with the special Dutch labour law, (too) expensive. What should and can be done? How can costs be controlled? What are the pitfalls and how to avoid them? How to manage the process with staff, Works Council, unions and financier(s)?


The company's bottom line must improve. What is being earned or lost on? How is the cost price constructed. Loss has to become profit again; profits can go up further. What actions will make this possible? How to find and exploit opportunities? Who should do what?

Strategy formation

Technical and demographic developments and innovation necessitate adjustments to your products, services and ways of working. You feel the need to reassess and further future-proof your strategy. Determining an appropriate and pragmatic strategy and the resulting actions and focal points is not easy, but it does determine your future. The addition of experience and knowledge and the input of an objective third party with a long-term and broad frame of reference can be of great help.
Kruger will gladly advise you in this process and in the way of implementation and steering of its internal effects. This is also made concrete with you by identifying the most conceivable scenarios, the expected results and the financial-economic consequences.


Risk capital. To realise future plans, the equity position is insufficient. There is a need for additional equity and/or guarantee capital and liquidity. Which parties are willing to provide this on what terms and how do you convince them?

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Cornee de Kluyver will be happy to help you

+31 (0)6 227 400 97